The President of the annual salary of 1 dollar

The achievement in which President Trump was hidden

President Trump's achievement

The President who kept on working by the annual salary of only 1 dollar

Donald John Trump is inaugurated as the 45th generation United States of America President in 2017, and is since,
Inside where the far-reaching Deep State, such as the business world, a politician, a bureaucrat, the mass media, a company, a scholar, a celebrity, etc. with an immense fund, whirls,
Without flinching from, in spite of having encountered the attempted assassination said to be 17 times,
I kept on working by the annual salary of only 1 dollar, and left the following distinguished services whose imitation is impossible by other Presidents.

1. I have never caused war for 4 years. (the first in U.S. modern history)

2. I investigated CIA headquarters, ordered juvenile human-trafficking criminal investigation, and arrested the child sexual love person who buys a human-trafficking contractor's arrests and children.

3. I have treated by rescuing about 35000 kidnaped children in the world.

4. I investigated management of WHO, checked making tens of thousands of people into infertility and
fault with a vaccine in Africa or India, or making it die, and stopped investment.

5. I arrested 3000 or more United Nations officials who were doing the sexual abuse of the children.

6. I set up the record low for the unemployment rate in the past 50 years.

7. I raised wages.
About 60 percent of an American answers, "Circumstances became good."

8. The Asia system, an African system, Hispanic, a woman, etc. made all the employment the highest ever.

9. I nationalized the FRB U.S. Federal Reserve Board.
The schedule which shifts to the gold standard whose financial fraud is impossible.

10. I made the fund which was flowing into the arms merchant and the terrorist stop.

11. I replaced the top of a bank or a major company who was committing injustice all over the world.

12. Establishment of diplomatic relations and peace agreement of Israel, USE and Bahrain, and the Sudan.

I backed up the peace accord of Serbia and Kosovo.

13. I am not duty and made the vaccine arbitrary.

Also except these, I have left many distinguished services.


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