The Deep State

The Deep State which stripped the maske

Deep State

The Deep State which stripped the mask

What is shown below is the organization and member who are made into the deep Deep State of relation to the United States of America.

FRB (Federal Reserve Board)
FRB is a private trust monopolistic enterprise object which carries out the food of the people of the United States for its profits and a foreign customer's profits.
The blood relatives who control FRB are as follows.
Riemann Brothers, the Rothschild bank, the Warburg bank, Israel Moses Schiff, Goldman Sachs, the Chase Manhattan, Lazard Frere, Coon Robe

Council on Foreign Relations
Nonpartisans with the controlling power exceeding American two main political parties.
This member will be as follows as of 2010.
Debit Rockefeller, George Shultz, the Bush parent and child, Hillary Clinton, Director Michael Armacost former CIA, former Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld
2021 CFR corporate member list PDF file
2021 CFR private member list PDF file

The organization of the evil spirit which involves the world in a hugger-mugger making full use of a drug, a plot, and counterfeit currency.
While supporting an anti-communistic force, they smuggle a local drug and appropriate for an activity fund.
Moreover, they use a fake dollar bill as black operation expenses.

Bush family
Even if contrary to the profits of its own country, it is supposed that I performed comedy war of the fabrication of "9.11 Terrorism" for my purpose.
Although this flow was ridden, people were persuaded with the enforcement "Saddam Hussein possesses mass-destruction weapons (WMD)" and the iraq was invaded, WMD was not found after all.
U.S. Forces people's death toll in the war on Iraq in the June, 2016 time is 4424 persons. Furthermore, the injured are 31,952 persons. He has acquired self-interest in exchange for these.

Barack Obama
Former United States of America President. He is a socialist of the anti United States.
A real father is a Muslim's Kenyan.
He succeeds "9.11 Terrorism" of acting in a play of his own writing of a Georg, W, and former President Bush, and is supposed that I had sold off arms to the international terrorist group.
Moreover, he made citizens in general the implicative by the attack of 300 or more unmanned aircrafts from assumption of office. It is expected that the casualties exceed 2800 persons.
Moreover, for [ of 2015 and 2016 ] two years,
He is the Nobel Peace Prize winner who scattered nearly 50,000 bombs all over the world.

Hillary Clinton
It is the Deep State to the former Secretary of State and the back.
A political rival assassinates.
Moreover, it is supposed that she was added to the world population reduction promposal.

Jacob Rothschild
I command the Rothschild kinsfolk and am the prime minister of the Deep State.
I use FRB (Federal Reserve System), take the right of issue of an international key-currency dollar, and control the wealth in the world.

Peter Thiel
The wirepuller of IT industry which controls even the founder of Paypal, the prominent investor of Silicon Valley, and GAFA
He is said to have supported President Trump at the beginning.

George Soros
He supports the Democratic Party and provides a BLM organization with funds, such as support and a political maneuvering.
Moreover, the dead of the gold which participated in dealing of the baht which is the currency of Thailand in 1997, and caused the Asian currency crisis.

Bill Gates
I put a huge medicine manufacture company under rule.
He is said to have been related to plan execution of new style coronavirus.
Is it shift of rule of the individual unit using a network using the world rule promposal of a Deep State to corona panic?
Furthermore, is world population reduction the purpose?

Darren Walker
Ford foundation chairman.
He supports these organizations that fight with "the prejudice and discrimination" to a woman, a race, a race, and minority group caste caste.
In order that he may control the United States, is dividing the convenient United States the purpose?

Rajiv Sher
Rockefeller Foundation chairman.
I hire able talented people to a Deep State with positive school-expenses support.

Jeff Bezos
The collection-of-money machine of the Deep State which shone which the Deep State invested the large capital from the Amazon's initial team of foundation, and was made into the billionaire.

Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook founder CEO.
I say that I made Facebook successful gaining wirepuller Peter Tyr support of IT industry.
Moreover, I am called the Rockefeller kinsfolk system.

The mob and group of anarchism who are used for the Democratic Party, George Soros, etc. and who are.
The anarchist who officially aims at demolition of order, such as anti-racial discrimination, an anti-Pakeha supreme principle, anti-discrimination against women, anti-capitalism, an anti-peace organization, and an anti-country, in practice although it is "an anti-fascist."
ANTIFA is performing the American parliamentary Diet attack incident in 2021.
It is supposed that the Democratic Party influence was back.
Moreover, I became President Trump's Twitter, the account permanent stop of Facebook, and also President Trump's impeachment trial after this incident as schedular [ of them ].

Francisco, a pope
The top leader of a Catholic church. I build a brainwash system and plan world rule by religion.
The origin of the Vatican is the devil worship of polytheism.
Moreover, they pretended Christianity, in order to expand influence.

Joseph Donne Ford
Former United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Deep State of a war industry system which have a Partin with Jesuitical (Vatican)


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