Protocol of Sion

The rulers of globalism

The political action plan of the Deep State

Protocol of Sion

It is said that the "world revolution action plan" mentioned to the former page became a prototype of "protocol of Sion."
The strategy to which the world rule by the Jew to whom this "protocol of Sion" enslaved the non-Jew attached to the ally the Jew who does not use military power directly by becoming the purpose is described.
Although the decision persons of protocol have pretended to be a Judaism fanatic, If a non-Jew also becomes me under God and protects a contract with God, it is supposed that I will get used with a Judaist, i.e., a Jew.
The strategy which discriminated Jews and a non-Jew for this reason, Moreover,It can become unfeasibly.
And, Jews are equalized under God. They will aim at the dictator who sways the world using mighty authority which a Jew includes.
From these facts, Those upon whom this protocol decided are considered to be the anti-Semitic people principle persons who aim at not a Jew but a true Satanist or world rule.
In addition, the Communist Party of China etc. are performing the similar strategy in protocol, and it will be that it is consulted even if "the protocol of Sion" (I stopped in the outline since it would become a long sentence if details are included) shown below even if is an apocryphal book.

The outline of "protocol of Sion"

The first agreement
We clarify Jews' position and a non-Jew's position, and control the goyim by violence and fear, and justice is made to be brought about by Jews' force.
Morals are unnecessary to a politician, it is necessary to use a stratagem and hypocrisy, and Jews must not study moral. brainwashing a lie called freedom with a non-Jew -- We come out, and Jews set up so that all can be decided on the reverse side.

The second agreement
We make judaic people's predominance determination-ize by economic control rather than direct war.
Release a spy to all, cancel the law of each country, and I make a non-Jew absorbed in enjoyment, and make a bastardly law called the science inspired in the non-Jew believe firmly. Therefore, we exploit media, and exploit the intelligentsia and Jews control a newspaper.

The third agreement
We pull [ men of power ] the wires from the reverse side, and make them fight mutually in all fields, such as a political faction and an idea of conservativeness innovation.
We collapse a system, agitate the public and cause non-order.

The fourth agreement
In order not to make a non-Jew do an idea deeply, I exploit commerce and industry (probably, it is a view represented by what is called 3S policy<sport screen sex> etc.).
Our force to overlook the people's solidary enemy (that is, oneselves) by this. We set up all the profits of commerce and industry to flow into Jews finally, and they consider a non-Jew as humanity Cruel existence, do not make noble politics or religion think, act as him, and We set them up to get interested only in money-making.

The fifth agreement
We set up so that friction may arise in what was defeated when Jews lost.
We set up for me to be satisfied with a non-Jew only by that of which I complain to feeling, and set up not to judge whether the political campaign pledge was fulfilled.
We complicate the agreement on social life, The people cannot understand the fellow creature of each other and We act as people.

The sixth agreement
Add protection to commerce and industry and encourage speculation, and carry out instability of the industry, and I make it not make an agro improve, and make it the money in the world settled in Jews' hand.
And We make a non-Jew poverty and set up to make non-Jews kneel down.
Therefore, We encourage a non-Jew to do luxury.

The seventh agreement
We poke up a riot, a fight, and the non-harmony on continents. We make it double profits of Jews come out by it.
We set it as the system which can control a riot and repression, and even if it is the non-Jew who found, Our force to regard Jews as a necessary evil. We act honestly [ as diplomatic language ] officially, and hypocritically, using cunning and a vicious plot as a rudiment.

The eighth agreement
We brainwash so that special education may be given to all the intelligentsias (the media persons concerned, a lawyer, a doctor, a politician, an apparatchik, others) and Jews may be followed, and I manipulate man's deep psyche and system.
We extend bastardly learning called economics, they also including a banker or a capitalist pretend to give the bad thing, and We make it not make it wake up that Jews are in the reverse side of economics.
When not following instructions by such a non-Jew, We consider a death penalty and banishment, and We make it a Jewish helotry.

The ninth agreement
We break down the education which is the foundation of true freedom.
We teach a non-Jew's youth a false theory, deceive them, make it stupid, and make it decompose.
Put law crazy, and We make the meaning of law distort, and make true soul lose.
And We form the plan against a non-Jew noticing and resisting Jews' real intention.

The tenth agreement
We inject venom called liberalism into a non-Jew, and We abandon the healthy despotic government and make constitutional government produce for a non-Jew.
Originally with a supreme law, Jews make, The true purpose drives a fight and an antagonism,
It is a useless thing which weakens the function of a country and usurps individual value.
And We choose those who make a robot's President and serve Jews like a helotry.
We abolish the border and religion and We unify all, We make it convinced give the Wang in the world who gives aid of a non-Jew.

The eleventh agreement
We enact at once the supreme law which Jews desire at the time of a coup d'etat or war.
We have to exert coercion, during the non-Jew be astounded and the head is confused.
If a non-Jew is resisted, We carry out impression operation non-Jew am suppressed.
A non-Jew is an ovine group and Jews are wolf.

The twelfth agreement
Jews censor all information.
We bring the news in the world together in some news agency, We control it, and only the news which Jews allow is made to be transmitted.
We carry out the license system what is called of all the journalism called a newspaper, a magazine, and books.
Let publication and a newspaper be the means of most important brainwash.
Moreover, by making a newspaper attack Jews, We hallucinate a non-Jew with there being perfect freedom of speech.

The thirteenth agreement
Since a non-Jew does not have a one's eyes in a situation, entertainments and a sport are praised and I make stupid quiz treat.
We change concern by amusement, We make the capability on which People's contemplate independently people's lose.
We give a non-Jew an illusion called progress, The truth is a certain only one.
There is no room of progress at this world.
We make it never find this at a non-Jew.
Although nobody noticed that all the things planned in our promposal also over centuries, just that time will surely clarify.

The 14th agreement
We disillusion a non-Jew in politics and make it think that the slavish who can live in comfort than the right of freedom are better.
Set from ancient times to what is called advanced nations for a non-Jew.
Although the immoral inferior fake character was made, after world rule is carried out, We neglect this for the time being.

The 15th agreement
We make a revolution break out simultaneously in every country in the world, We show governmental powerlessness, and strengthen Jews' rule as a result.
We kill all persons that look out to a non-Jew's treason and rise in arms. We extend a Freemason subdepartment in every country in the world until Jews' authority is established. We place all the Mason subdepartments under the central control mechanism (Illuminati) that nobody knows.
Each subdepartment of Mason is placed in order to cover a true control mechanism (Illuminati).

The 16th agreement
A true Universite abolishes this.
We found the convenient new Universite to the Jew based on a general plan new on it.
A president and a professor do brainwash education and We prevent them from overflowing Jews' promposal. We make a youth obedient and make it make a ruler respect and trust it.
We abandon research of a classic and history.
We erase the inconvenient history fact to Jews.
We make it the animal which does not have a non-Jew thought by visual education.

The 17th agreement
We charge all mankind with the duty of the criminal accusation which betrays Jews.
Jews make it convinced that We corrected the political dishonesty at the same time it builds surveillance society.
A dishonesty, abuse of authority, bribery, etc.
We make history that Jews spread not understand.

The 18th agreement
We keep a Jewish Wang from making a non-Jew consider the idea of hiding oneself in fear of an intrigue or people.
The people make it hallucinated as if the Jewish Wang had received the people's petition.

The 19th agreement
We make for a political crime about politics what is confessed, and in order that they may abolish being made a hero, We make it an offender.

The 20th agreement
We impose a tax to property and make it become an ally of moneybags countries or Jews.
We prevent increase of individual wealth by a graduated property tax.
Since all national bonds are talentless confession which performs administration which the gouvernement mistook, they spread this.
We collect a foreign bond, and blood will be sucked up and a non-Jew gouvernement will die.

The 21st agreement
We make face value cheap so that he can buy it also with whom [ ordinary ] when floating government bonds.
We give the first applicant a discount and perform the fishing raising of a price artificially in the following stage.
Thereby, a non-Jew makes an illusion that Our trust the governmental receivable have.
The Deb which remains behind publishes a new public debt.
We also make a new tax as a debt for a debt.

The 22nd agreement
We use Jews' immense gold still more effectively because of world domination.
Even if it uses violence somewhat,We establish order using these gold.
We make Jews' law follow.
this -- being troubled -- many grounds, We bring about true happiness and freedom and give peace and order.

The 23rd agreement
Since a non-Jew does absolute obedience only to mighty authority, We promotes this.
The non-Jew does not expect in Wang paradisiacal tenderness etc.
What the non-Jew is asking for is the incarnation of undaunted authority.

The 24th agreement
As for us, Sion mages overcome all obstacles until now, We will deal with the problem in the world and will learn about the wisdom of the ancients which has drawn human beings' idea. And We educate a non-Jew in the direction which we desire.
Although a political essence is taught to the selected persons, We make it the hugger-mugger not leak to whom [ other ].
In this way, the principle that politics is performed by only the only person who got to know the secret is maintained.


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